GHF Conference 2024, Day 2: Recenter
Maria Kennedy
Nurturing Giftedness: Managing Expectations and Celebrating Success
Is there a difference between what your child does and what you or your family think they are capable of? This session will prepare you to address this discrepancy.
As parents, educators, or guardians, we understand the profound pride and joy felt raising a gifted or twice-exceptional (2e) child. However, we also recognize the unique challenges accompanying these labels, particularly when managing expectations – our own and those of our extended family and community. Today, we explore strategies for navigating these expectations while celebrating and nurturing your child's strengths.
International educator, speaker, author, and advocate for many years, Maria Kennedy has taught students, parents, and teachers how to tap into the strengths of gifted and challenged students. Maria first joined Bridges Academy as director of their elementary division, and after growing the program for successive years, became a director of The Bridges Education Group, where she develops and implements outreach initiatives for schools and organizations worldwide. Maria received her B.Ed. and M.Ed. in Education from Manchester University and earned Advanced Teacher Status for her ability to develop curriculum and to connect with and empower her students to become active participants in their learning. She has received several awards: “Teacher of the Year” in North Carolina, “Golden Apple, Elementary Teacher of the Year” in the Cayman Islands, and “New American Hero,” an award for teaching and leadership excellence in Louisiana. Maria believes that to be an effective educator, one must continue to learn and grow. With this in mind, she works closely with therapists, parents, and leading educators in the field of 2e education.