Community (Free) Membership
Our goal is to be an accessible resource for as many gifted and 2e families as possible, which is why we have a free level of membership - the GHF Community Membership - that grants access to all of our live programming, the main areas of the Forum, and our comprehensive, self-paced DIY Education course. Coming soon: browse discounts offered by trusted gifted service providers.
GHF Forum: Our Main Hub
This is your spot to connect, chat, ask questions, share, browse resources, join groups and access free live events and gatherings. Nice to meet you!
GHF Conversations: Our Mini-Cons
Offered quarterly, enjoy two topic-driven guest presentations, each followed by facilitated discussions with and for our community of parents and pros.
Annual Gifted Home Ed Conference
Three days jam-packed with the foremost voices in their fields of giftedness, devoting their time and expertise to send you into summer, confident and empowered to plan your learning year.
DIY Education: Our Ultimate How-To
This comprehensive self-paced parent program, developed by experts, professionals, and veteran families, guides you through all the ins and outs of homeschooling gifted & 2e kids, with videos, podcasts, readings and a responsive Q&A area in the Forum.