See GHF At These Events!

3/11-4/15/25 (Tuesdays, 5-6:30pm CT)

Caregiver Conversations: Parenting Gifted & 2e Kids

Online Group with Carol Malueg

Join the discussion, guided by our always insightful and soul-buoying Director of Community Programming, and Gifted Roads founder, Carol Malueg, and fellow gifted education specialist, Joan Larson.

Household Cost: $180

Parenting a gifted child can be a wonderful, challenging, confusing, and sometimes lonely journey. Join other parents and caregivers of gifted and multi-exceptional children in a 6-session, online, facilitated conversation led by seasoned guides. Share the joys and challenges unique to parenting bright, intense, and often perplexing young humans in a safe, judgment-free space.

Topics include screen time, power struggles, identity, and more.  Participants will receive weekly discussion summaries and access to a shared folder of resources we will add to each week. 


Please check your calendar to ensure you are available for at least 5 of the 6 discussions, as each week builds on the previous conversations. We encourage you to find a quiet, child-free spot for the discussions as having children present will inhibit some parenting/caregiving conversations.

Carol Malueg, M.A., GCT, 2e,  is a learning coach and consultant, specializing in gifted and twice-exceptional education and support. Carol serves on the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented (MCGT) and the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum (GHF).  She was honored with the MCGT Friend of the Gifted Award in 2020.  Carol has trained hundreds of Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) Model Parent Group Facilitators worldwide and was awarded the SENG Presidential Award for Distinguished Service in 2021. She has worked on three Javits Grant research projects focused on improving identification of and services for gifted at-risk students.  Her company, Gifted Roads, addresses the gifted and multi-exceptional experience across the lifespan.


Joan Larson is a gifted education specialist with Minnetonka Public Schools in Minnesota. She was an elementary classroom teacher for ten years, and has been a gifted education specialist for thirty years. Joan earned her Master’s Degree in Gifted, Creative, and Talented education from the University of St. Thomas.  She has worked full-time work with gifted and talented students and their families in a variety of capacities, including program and curriculum development, coaching fellow teachers, and helping families navigate school with their gifted children.  She has trained hundreds of SENG Model Parent Group Facilitators and led SMPGs with participants from all over the world.

Fueling Creativity in Education Podcast

Equity in Gifted Education: Overcoming Barriers to Inclusion with Dr. Erinn F. Floyd

How can teachers move from a "deficit mindset" to a "dynamic mindset" when recognizing creativity and intelligence in diverse learners?

In this episode of the Fueling Creativity in Education Podcast, hosts Dr. Cyndi Burnett and Dr. Matthew Worwood engage in a rich dialogue with GHF Director of Community Outreach and DEI, Dr. Erin F. Floyd, a renowned scholar specializing in gifted education, diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Dr. Floyd, who serves as the Director of Training and Partnership Development for the Consortium for Inclusion of Underrepresented Racial Groups in gifted education, discusses the historical and ongoing challenges of identifying and supporting gifted students, particularly those from underrepresented populations. Drawing from her own personal journey and extensive professional experience, Dr. Floyd explores how systemic changes and a more inclusive approach can enhance the identification process and lead to greater racial equity within gifted education. The conversation takes a deep dive into the importance of moving from deficit thinking towards dynamic thinking, emphasizing the need for a collaborative effort involving multiple stakeholders to ensure that all high-ability students receive appropriate educational opportunities.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Floyd highlights various strategies for educators to more effectively recognize and nurture giftedness in students from diverse backgrounds. She shares insights into the historical context of gifted education, including the impact of the eugenics movement and the importance of multiple criteria in identifying gifted students. With a focus on real-world application, Dr. Floyd discusses her development of online learning modules designed to train educators on recognizing gifted behaviors among minority students. As the conversation wraps up, Dr. Floyd shares her vision for the future of gifted education, calling for a more uniform, equitable policy across the nation and the inclusion of gifted education training in teacher preparation programs. Listeners will walk away with a deeper understanding of the intrinsic value of inclusivity in education and be empowered to advocate for necessary changes that uphold the diverse needs of gifted students.