GHF Conference 2024, Day 1: Reframe

Sam Young

Neurodivergent & Strong: Developing Our Superpowers

Superheroes don’t spend their lives focusing on their struggles. They’re super because they use their powers to make the world a better place! The sad reality is that society seems to only focus on the weaknesses of neurodivergent people... In this talk, we'll explore how we can empower our neurodivergent kiddos to identify their superpowers and lead strength-based lives!

As legendary psychologist, Dr. Joseph Renzulli, once said, “No one cares about Einstein’s ability to paint, or Picasso’s ability to do complex math.” Why, then, are we obsessed with focusing on what we can’t do well and doing it better? Superheroes don’t spend their whole lives focusing on their struggles. If they did, they probably wouldn’t be super! They’re super because of the way they use their powers to make the world a better place! The sad reality is that much of society prescribes to the medical model: a deficit-based way of thinking that focuses on isolating our weaknesses and developing them. There is a better way… The strength-based, talent development model is the answer and it’s changing everything in the field of neurodiversity, psychology, and beyond! Don’t miss this talk–which was once delivered as a TEDx Talk– where we will explore how we can empower our kiddos to identify their superpowers and wield them in leading strength-based lives! This talk will introduce a research-backed framework for helping twice-exceptional, gifted, and neurodivergent students to overcome adversity, find their bliss, and thrive! Participants of this session can expect to leave with perspective-shifting ideas and REAL actionable strategies that can be implemented right away!

Sam Young, M.Ed., is the Head of School at Young Scholars Academy, a strength-based, talent-focused virtual enrichment school that supports twice-exceptional, differently-wired, and gifted students to feel seen, nurtured, and happy as heck through strength-based courses, camps, and community!  Sam is a two-time Fulbright Scholar, a TEDx speaker, a Keynote speaker, a former Bridges Academy educator of nearly 10 years, and a Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity graduate. Additionally, Sam is a neurodivergent person himself who has committed his life to supporting differently-wired students to overcome the harmful deficit-based system and discover, develop, and lead their lives with their strengths, talents, and unique interests!